Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Truffula Trees with Homemade Watercolors

After seeing "The Lorax" Lily sees Truffula Trees everywhere we go.  They are her favorite things to draw and paint.

Colors so gorgeous and vibrant!  I will use these over the store-bought ones from now on.  Toward the end the paints started getting really gritty, so if anyone has a suggestion to remedy that I'd LOVE to hear it!  And since the paints themselves are so much bigger you can use HUGE brushes.  Perfect for little hands. 

Learn from our mistakes:  Try using a disposable muffin tin for the paints.  They last so long that I'm really starting to miss my good muffin pan! 

Paint brushes

Again, thank you to Happy Hooligans for the idea! 

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